
Raising The Bar: Designing Better Bar Charts

Introduction Bar charts are the workhorse of information graphics. They’re perhaps the most common kind of visualization out there. Bar …

Vector Recycling in R

What is Vector Recycling? Vector recycling is the process by which each of the vectors in a group of vectors is standardized to have …

Configuration Files in R: Creating Consistency between (Work) Sessions

R has two kinds of configuration files that can be modified “to control the behavior of an R session”.These configuration …

Re-vision: Russian Embargo

Introduction The other day I came across a data visualization that caught my attention. The visualization was featured in the article …

The `$` Operator in R

The $ operator is an extraction operator used to extract a single element from a list or “list-like” object. It is a …

Visualizing Missing Data

Introduction The first step of any data analysis is to asses your data. Typically, this assessment takes a quantitative form. One might …

Simulating Data in R: The Bootstrap

Introduction A common problem in data analysis is a lack of data. This is unfortunate because when it comes to data: more is more. The …

Conditional Control Flow in R

What is Control Flow? One of the fundamental techniques in imperative-style programming is the use of control flow constructs to …

Descriptors: On your mark, *get*, *set*, *delete*!

Introduction Great design makes the complex appear simple. By this standard, Python is certainly an elegantly designed langauge. Among …