Vector Recycling in R

What is Vector Recycling? Vector recycling is the process by which each of the vectors in a group of vectors is standardized to have the same length 1. More precisely, each vector is augmented to be as long as the longest vector in the group. This is accomplished by “recycling” (repeating) elements from the front of each vector until that vector reaches the target length - wrapping around as many times as needed.

Configuration Files in R: Creating Consistency between (Work) Sessions

R has two kinds of configuration files that can be modified "to control the behavior of an R session".These configuration files allow you to establish a consistent behavior across various R sessions.

The `$` Operator in R

The `$` operator is an extraction operator used to extract a single element from a list or "list-like" object. It is a bread-and-butter tool for working with data interactively.

Visualizing Missing Data

Introduction The first step of any data analysis is to asses your data. Typically, this assessment takes a quantitative form. One might compute summary statistics on a variety of columns: reporting information like mean, mode, or other quantiles. And yet, while such quantitative approaches can be useful, qualitative approaches also have their own merit. In particular, it is helpful to visualize the data. As the adage goes: A picture is worth a thousand words.

Simulating Data in R: The Bootstrap

Introduction A common problem in data analysis is a lack of data. This is unfortunate because when it comes to data: more is more. The more data we have, the more accurate our estimates are and the more confidence we can have in the conclusions that we draw from that data. But data doesn’t just grow on trees. It takes resources to gather data; collecting data requires spending time, money, and/or manpower.

Conditional Control Flow in R

What is Control Flow? One of the fundamental techniques in imperative-style programming is the use of control flow constructs to dynamically control the execution of a program. These tools are critical to the creation of anything but the most basic functions and allow programmers to specify abstract procedures with code. Currently, R supports the following control flow constructs: Name Syntax if if(cond) cons.